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Signal Timeline


Stonehenge Hurricane Beryl

A 5 fold design similar to the 2023 hurricane season start formation. Similarly both patterns appeared overnight immediately following the first recorded major hurricane formations of the year and interestingly, in fields that are not welcome to visitors. Appeared near a small barrow next to the visitor centre for Stonehenge. Crop circles appearing near ancient […]

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Hello Carbon Based Life

The first Agrogram of 2024 in the UK is what appears to be an elaboration of the carbon-based life signature also known as a quintuplet crop pattern. This recurring design often marks the beginning of the annual sequence of crop circles, seemingly serving as a greeting or signature. Typically the quintuplet pattern features four outer […]

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Hurricane Season Start

This pattern consists of a 5-fold spiral most likely depicting a tropical storm or hurricane, potentially marking the beginning of hurricane season. It appeared on restricted “no trespassing” land owned by the UK Ministry of Defence. The field was was harvested early on August 3rd 2023 to destroy the circle and prevent people from visiting […]

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Calendar Timer

The quality of the creation of this circle at first glance could be mistaken for a hoax, however this seems to represent a timer or clock at 2/3 full which coincides with it’s appearance at the start of august. Share the signal

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Synthetic Eye

Appears to be a genuine signal in the form of an eye. We think the eye has a synthetic appearance. Share the signal

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Barbers Razor

This crop circle depicts a barbers razor in the shape of an “A” and appears to be the logo of a local barber shop. There is apparent video of the creation of this circle which would almost certainly deem it a man made hoax. Share the signal

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Agricultural Rotary Blades

Similar to several other “rotary blade” style patterns that have appeared in the past (usually also early in the year). This pattern clearly seems to depict some form of rotary blade probably for agricultural use. Could this be a design for an optimal blade or for drone harvesting and therefore a message from a higher […]

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Binary Cell

Depicts 2 strands of binary data (2 bytes) connected on one side in a horseshoe shape. This could be a pictorial form to display 2 bytes of data, also resembles an abacus. On both strands 3 represent on and 5 represent off. This is yet another pattern prominently featuring the “Hydrogen signature” something highly suggestive […]

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Quantum Collision Interference

This appears to depict a collision of atoms within a circled square with an interference pattern, hinting at quantum mechanics and the double slit experiment. Share the signal

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Metatron Cube Atomic Bonds

Another interesting adaptation of Metatron’s cube sacred geometry, appearing to definitively depict atomic bonds around the inner tetrahedron. Interestingly this yet another adaptation of the Sugar Hill sacred geometry of ’07, a series of patterns in 2003, and most recently at the end of the 2023 season. Share the signal

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Spore / Omouamoua Spin / Gravity Slingshot

This curious pattern emerged in the 2017 season, the same year interstellar object “Omouamoua” made a pass of earth and was observed to slingshot around the Sun. The crop circle pattern could be interpreted as this or it could be some kind of orbit relation diagram or both. Omouamoua was first spotted on 19 October […]

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Sacred Geometry Outline

You can clearly see the crop is has been carefully woven in this 2016 adaptation of the sacred geometry Flower of life outline crop circle. This Sacred geometry design is a representation of the Flower of Life, a sacred geometric pattern with origins in ancient Egypt also known as Metatron’s Cube. The Flower of Life […]

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Torino Cymatic Star

According to some crop circle researchers this 16 point star or flower formation represents the Cymatic pattern of 432hz, a notable frequency for intelligent lifeforms. Some have claimed that this crop circle decodes to MH-370 the flight number of the missing Malaysian airlines flight. The pattern appeared near the airport in Torino, Piemont, Italy in […]

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Origin Star/Pulsar Map

Here we have what very much resembles a star map, which could possibly represent the origin star of the intelligences responsible for the signals. Humans first devised a star map (of pulsars) for our solar system that was etched into the Pioneer plaque sent out on the Voyager spacecraft. The plaque was designed to include […]

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Rotational Drive

This pattern clearly seems to depict the rotation of a bar of inner circles with a mechanical feel to it. Most likely this depicts a cut section of a motor or drive system, possibly magnetic or superconductor. Share the signal

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Poirino Enki Sumerian God Star

This elaborate 7 pointed star formation appeared in Italy in 2011. Encoded into the “rays of light” featured in this crop circle design are the letters EN-ENKI, encoded in ASCII. This possibly refers to the Sumerian god or the name of the creator in the English language. The pattern appeared in Poirino, Piemont, Italy. Francesco […]

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Quantum Entanglement Communication

This strange pattern appears to depict quantum communication, that is communication between two entangled atoms. The line joining them represents communication or data transfer between the two atoms, the dots could mean electrons of be some kind of decoding aid. Appeared near Honey Street near the famous crop circle pub The Barge Inn. Share the […]

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Sphere 3D Hologram / CPU Heatsink

Depicts x2 2D squares with a 3D sphere protruding through the centre square with lines. This could well be an Agrogram to symbolise a holographic effect or simply a method of portraying 3D objects on a 2D canvas. The overall design resembles a CPU or QR code, where the central pattern composes the heatsink. The […]

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Liquid Water Molecule

Appears to depict a water molecule in an interesting liquid / wave interference pattern style for a great representation of H20 as an Agrogram. Share the signal

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Rotational Orbit / Spore / Molecular Spin

This pattern has similarities to the “Oumuamua” pattern appearing in 2017, that appears to depict the spin of the object spotted later that year. It could also represent the spin of spores through the universe, spores are a top candidate for a potential form of Von Neumann probe due to their ability to exist and […]

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Cells Infinite Chain

This pattern clearly depicts something related to cell division or possibly a protein chain or DNA wrapped in an infinite spiral. Could be meaningful to a cell biologist. Share the signal

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Eulers Identity Binary Disc

This is a remarkable unique circular geometric depiction of the Euler’s Identity mathematical function, interestingly encoded into a disc divided which is divided in to 12 slices, each with binary notches representing the function encoded in ASCII. Euler’s identity is considered to be an exemplar of mathematical beauty as it shows a profound connection between the […]

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Signal Transmission Mechanics (3-Stage)

This incredible formation appeared in 3 parts in just over a week and seems to depict some kind of device (first 2 parts) projecting a strange language or pattern that we think could be the device used for making the crop circles. It is also possibly a cross section or elaboration of the known transmission […]

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Human Butterfly

Clearly depicts a human in the style of the Da Vinci man with butterfly wings – meaning human ascension or evolution. Measuring approximately 550m x 450m (close to 25 hectares), this breathtakingly perfect pattern appeared overnight in a field next to a busy road in Zeeland, Netherlands. It is claimed to be the work of […]

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Kozárovce Notched Life Seed

This interesting crop pattern appears to depict what is known as a Seed of Life, with a notched spiral at the centre, 3 inner circles appearing to indicate something and also what looks like cut section of an onion. The numbers 3 + 3 and 12 can be derived from the uniqueness of the design […]

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Silbury Hill Illuminated Headdress

What appears to be a native American headdress combined in a Mayan counter style circle and exquisite woven lay that can even be witnessed from the sky. Appeared at the infamous Silbury Hill location well known for the crop circles and mysterious lights frequently seen in the sky. Share the signal

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Hummingbird Agrogram

Here we have what is clearly a hummingbird Agrogram with a similar style and the same features of the Dragonfly agrogram which appeared a month prior in the same county. Appeared near the famous crop circle themed pub The Barge Inn. Share the signal

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Mushroom Agrogram

Here we have another natural Agrogram, this one featuring 3 circles instead of 4 It could be that 3 circles depicts plant life as opposed to carbon or movement based life. Many trifold designs seem to depict seeds and also can be associated with the 3 leaf cover. Of course there is always a possibility […]

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Dragonfly Agrogram

This crop circle is clearly a depiction of a dragonfly, showcasing its intricate wings patterns and smaller circles representing the legs and also forms a band of circles across the pattern around a cell to represent life. The dragonfly, often seen as a symbol of transformation and adaptability. Share the signal

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Light Orb Whirlwind Depiction (Stage 4)

Possible 4th Stage of the 2009 Signal Transmission Device Formation Appearing in June 2009, this crop formation might represent a fourth stage in the 2009 signal transmission device sequence. The timing of its appearance, closely following the three-stage formation, suggests a potential continuation or evolution of the previous design. This fourth stage could depict the swirling […]

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Curved Eye Tissue

Clearly depicts an eye with an iris suspended with tissue. An incredible living eye agrogram largely centered around the number 12. Share the signal

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Psyspiral 7 Point Star

Here we have a condensed version of the Milk Hill galaxy spiral, overlaid with a 7 pointed star representing creation and what looks like an all seeing eye symbol. This appeared near Alton Barnes and the famous crop circle themed pub the Barge Inn. Share the signal

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Solar System Planets

Clearly depicts our solar system with the Sun at the centre, 4 inner planets, 4 outer planets orbits and a smaller object with an elliptical orbit that intersects the orbit of Neptune, this is most likely Pluto. The date depicted by the positions of the planets in this pattern is known to be date of […]

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Device Part Sidesection

Appearing as part of a series of patterns in crop fields in 2008, we have what seems to depict a blueprint or a device of some kind. It has also been suggested this could depict the solar system planets and a cosmic event or some kind of diagram. Others have theorised that this is instead […]

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Device Part Rotational Mechanism

Appearing as part of a series of patterns in crop fields in 2008, we have what seems to depict a blueprint or a device of some kind. Some have theorised that this is some kind of 2D representation of a 3D object that if constructed could be used as an anti gravity device. Documentary SPOILER: […]

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Boryeong DNA Agrogram

This seems like the perfect Agrogram for the representation of DNA, the design features 2 clear indicators of nucleotides with an outer circle intersected with 3 smaller circles the meaning of which is unclear. However other have suggested this instead depicts the movement of a planet or the Sun. Strangely this formation appeared early in […]

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Geometric PI Representation

Depicted here is undoubtedly a perfect, unique artistic presentation of the number PI to the first 10 digits: 3.141592654 appearing overnight in a crop field and measuring 150ft in diameter. This design and concept had never been considered or seen before by humanity, which means it’s appearance in itself is very close to solid evidence […]

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Sugar Hill Sacred Geometry

Yet another stunning expansion on the sacred geometry pattern, this one showing 2 rings of 20 cubes around the seed and 4 layers of interference triangles radiating the outer ring. These triangles are arranged in a Sierpinski triangles pattern, another fractal pattern that appeared years earlier. This remarkable pattern appeared in a field of wheat […]

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Sonic Butterfly

This incredible crop pattern appeared not far from Waylands Smithy and one of the chalk white horses, depicting a butterfly or moth with wings that have a wave interference style, possibly hinting at vibration, sound or frequency in some way. This is not far from the location of the 1996 vesica piscis formation. Share the […]

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Death Star / Moon Dark Side

This curious “death star” pattern has a few very clear imperfections in it’s construction, hinting at it’s being a man made hoax. It could be some kind of covert attempt at reciprocal communication by humans, or could have been retroactively tampered with to give the appearance of a hoax. Appearing near Golden Ball Hill, close […]

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Infinite Corridor / Doors

Here we have depicted a spectacularly precise rendition of what many have referred to as “The Corridor” or “Infinite Doors” a very commonly reported manifestation in the human psyche often in dreams, making it’s way into pop culture with The Matrix and CastleVania. The crop pattern appeared in a field of wheat near West Kennerton […]

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Mars & Asteroid Belt Agrogram

This Agrogram clearly depicts the inner solar system with Mars excluded, perhaps to highlight mars as the point of interest being the large central circle itself. There is an outer belt of asteroids which could be the asteroid belt or could indicate a Mars planetary cycle of some kind, perhaps the Martian moon. Appeared near […]

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Silbury Hill Infinite Winged Cycle

This incredible design has a Mayan or Aztec style, resembling the Mayan Calendar clock or the I Ching with a wing and talon style double inner disc to depict direction, forming a Vesica Piscis shape representing an infinite loop symbol. The outer circle is divided into 64 sections and features an infinite “winged” twist in […]

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Instrument / Applicator / Laser Diagram

We think this depicts some from of instrument, applicator or transfer mechanism with an expanding output or projectile some kind. Could this even be a diagram for a laser pistol? Interestingly these 3 dots ascending in size either indicates flow and direction or laser and light as it has appeared in other Agrograms notably the […]

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Graphene Discovery Prediction

This crop pattern appears to depict a cut section of graphene with carbon atoms arranged in a trinary hexagonal shape. This style of atomic structure depiction has been echoed in a series of other carbon related crop formations that have appeared. Astoundingly this appeared in 2003, the year before graphene was discovered in 2004, a […]

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Laser Light Sail Spacecraft

Here we have what seems to depict some kind of projectile with an arrow like tip and circles decreasing in size hinting at propulsion of some kind. Scientists have theorised the use of tiny light sail spacecraft that could theoretically approach light speed and be used to send back data from nearby star systems within […]

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Infinite Binary DNA Disc

This incredible depiction of what is clearly a DNA spiral in 6 sections in the style of binary bits on a disc, representing the use of DNA as information or data. Appeared near Boomerang Stables in Crooked Soley, Berkshire in a field of wheat close to harvest and measuring approximately 200ft in diameter. Interestingly it […]

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Alien Portrait Holdng Disc

This incredible formation shocked the world when it appeared on 15th August 2002 in a crop field next to a radio tower in Hampshire, UK. It clearly and flawlessly depicts a portrait of an alien “grey” holding a binary disc and what appears to be the 3 stars of Orion’s belt above the being’s right […]

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Illuminati Pyramid Eye

This depicts a pyramid associated with the “Illuminati” in a crop circle resembling the artwork featured on the reverse of a US one dollar bill. Appeared next to a Beacon Hillfort in Berkshire in an uncommon location. Share the signal

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Arecibo Message Response

Here we have exactly what we would expect to receive as a message from a higher intelligent source – a reply to a radio message broadcast by SETI in 1974 as a hello from humanity to the stars. Close to 27 years later in 2001, this crop pattern appeared in a field beside the Chilbolton […]

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Response Sender Portrait / Face on Mars

The “Face on Mars” agrogram appeared in the same field as the Arecibo response, while there is little doubt that this is a depiction of a face, some have suggested it looks non-human and that it could be an image of the sender of the response. Share the signal

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Rotary Magnetic Motor

Depicts a rotational motor or gear, perhaps a turbine or generator. The circles perhaps indicating direction, force values or reactive components such as magnets. Perhaps show the optimal placement or forces for a magnetic or superconductor based motor or rotational device. Wouldn’t it be magnificent if this indeed depicts some form of optimal design for […]

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Milk Hill Galaxy Spiral

This incredible pattern appears to depict a galaxy formation with 6-fold spiral arms and is one of the largest crop circle patterns ever, consisting of over 400 individual circles and has a diameter in excess of 700ft. As incredible as it sounds, this pattern also appeared overnight within just 6 hours of darkness, during heavy […]

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Two Stage Expansion / Node Expulsion Process

An interesting two stage crop circle formation, with both stages clearly featuring the Hydrogen signature something highly suggestive of a form of communication by a higher intelligence. This first stage clearly depicts the expansion of the outer circle with 8 “rays” of 4 circles emanating from the centre, featuring clearly the hydrogen signature at the […]

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Magnetic Field Agrogram

Probably depicts a magnetic field around an axis contained within a sphere, could also be toroidal or depict something related to fusion. Share the signal

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Signal Device Diagram

Appears to depict the broadcast device as pictured in the Arecibo message response. It is unknown what materials or mechanism used, this appears to depict a chain reaction of some kind, some believe that microwave energy is involved with the flattening of the crops. There was also another pattern that appeared a few years later […]

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Quadratic Fractal Antennae

Appearing as a set of 2 patterns 19 days apart these detailed representations of a specific quadratic fractal design found to be optimal for certain types of radio recievers otherwise known as a Viscek fractal. The double appearance of agrograms is not uncommon and is often used to depict stages or development of meaning, in […]

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Sacred Geometry Seed Flower

In 1999 a series of patterns based on the Seed of Life geometrical pattern began to appear in these crop fields, appearing to depict its growth from seed to flower.  The appearance of the Seed of Life pattern within these crop circles added an extra layer of fascination, as it carried with it the symbolism […]

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Sierpinski Triangles

This fractal pattern appeared 2 years prior to the astounding Arecibo message response in the same field, very close to the Chibolton observatory. The crop circle formation clearly details a Sierpinski triangles fractal pattern, outlined with lots of smaller circles. Sierpinski triangles are a captivating geometric fractal that emerge from a simple recursive process. To […]

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Roswell Rock Inscription

This formation appears to depict cycles of an eclipse sequence of some kind, but interestingly 8 years after the appearance of this crop circle a rock was found inscribed with the exact same pattern not far from Roswell, New Mexico, USA. The origins for the rock and means of construction are unknown and cannot be […]

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Wayland Vesica Piscis

Appearing in 1996 one of the first exquisitely constructed Vesica Piscis patterns materialized overnight in a crop field in Oxfordshire near Waylands Smithy and one of the White Horse national trust sites. The Vesica Piscis is an ancient “sacred geometric” shape formed by the intersection of two identical circles. This pattern is named after the […]

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Trinary Julia Set

Appearing 22 days after the first Julia set pattern appearance at Stonehenge, this is another variation of the Julia set created by altering the variables and methods of the mathematical function used to generate the patterns. Share the signal

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Stonehenge Julia Set Spiral

This curious spiral pattern appeared in a field directly opposite Stonehenge, it appears to show a mathematic fractal pattern produced by a set of mathematical equations known as the Julia set. It also resembles the spiral of a shell or a galaxy and is similar in style to the Milk Hill Galaxy formation which appeared […]

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Hydrogen Signature

While it might seem like a simple pattern, this is one of the most common, significant and important patterns of all and is one of the most likely candidates for a sign of highly intelligent communication. Frequently featuring as a part of other crop patterns and commonly appearing on it’s own in some form usually […]

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Planetary Alignment Series

Clearly depicts a planetary alignment of sorts, in the style of an eclipse and probably relating to the date reported. Appears to depict 4 planets which would most likely be the 4 inner planets. It has repeated with several different variations, each one most likely containing it’s own meaning. The alignment of the circles could […]

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Seed of Life

The first known appearance of this pattern was in 1994 near Froxfield in Wiltshire, UK, but has repeated many times in various different adaptations and manifestations since then. The seed of life pattern is the prelude to the germ of life or egg of life, then the flower of life, fruit of life in a […]

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Mandelbrot Set Agrogram

The Mandelbrot Set is a pattern produced by a mathematical equation. This was also one of the first complex crop circle patterns that really began interest in the crop circle phenomina as a topic worthy of study and when people started considering crop circles as potential signals from non human intelligences. Share the signal

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Barbury Castle Trinary System

One of the first and most iconic patterns the Barbury castle formation was a unique diagram showing 3 objects connected. One of the objects connected we think could depict a black hole, this is the one with the curious notched style, there are 5 notches in total. This resembles the style of the geometric PI […]

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Signature Key Agrogram / Atomic Bonds

This iconic formation first appeared in August 1990 and photos famously used for both the cover of the Led Zeppelin album of that same year and the 2002 Movie Signs, making this pattern one of the most iconic and famous crop circle patterns. Later appearing in Germany in July 2005, and rather crudely in Norfolk […]

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Carbon Based Life Signature

One of the most common Agrograms is the 4 fold circle formation also known as the quintuplet. Not only does it appear frequently at the beginning of the crop season, it was also one of the first recorded  crop circle patterns from the late 1970’s and interestingly was also one the first pattern to appear […]

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The Crop Signals Project Created
The Crop Signals Project Created

With this timeline considered, it’s time to accept that there is a high probability that we are not alone and that what we refer to as the crop circle phenomena is in fact and attempt by a higher intelligence to contact humanity. As this hypothesis is becoming increasingly more like to be proven by the day, it was time to jump ahead and start building a resource around the concept and begin decoding and deciphering these most curious and inspirational designs to help advance humanity.

The Signal Device Mechanism
The Signal Device Mechanism

This incredible formation appeared in 3 parts in just over a week and seems to depict some kind of device (first 2 parts) projecting a strange language or pattern that we think could be the device used for making the crop circles.

Sacred Geometry Atom
Sacred Geometry Atom

Yet another stunning expansion on the sacred geometry pattern, this one showing 2 rings of 20 cubes around the seed and 4 layers of interference triangles radiating the outer ring. This one appeared near Sugar Hill, not far from Barbury Castle. Interestingly 2 years later in 2009 scientists published the first ever image of an atom which resembles the pattern.

Arecibo Message Response
Arecibo Message Response

This is precisely what we would expect to receive as a message from an extra terrestrial source – a reply to a radio message broadcast by SETI in 1974 as a hello from humanity to the stars. Close to 31 years later in 2001, this crop pattern appeared in a field beside the Chilbolton Observatory in Hampshire, UK. This response time could indicate that the sender inhabits a star system around either 30 light years away if their method of communication operates instantaneously or 15 years light years away if it is limited to the speed of light. The response contains various clues as to who or what they are: biologically they are silicon based instead of carbon based with an extra strand in their DNA, they are significantly shorter than us with larger heads and they inhabit 3 planets out of 8 planets either in their star system or in our own as the solar system depicts 9 planets including a ring for Saturn and the gas giants highlighted as such. They use the same mathematical system as us and have an overall population of around 30 billion. Most curiously we also have at the bottom a depiction of the device used to broadcast the message which also appeared as it’s own Agrogram the previous year in 2000.

Carbon Lifeform Agrograms Appear
Carbon Lifeform Agrograms Appear

One of the most common Agrograms is the 4 fold circle formation, it was also one of the first formations to appear in the crop circle lexicon and one the first to appear in the new millennium.

Hello Hydrogen
Hello Hydrogen

Often appearing in crop circles at the beginning of the year as a hello and establish communication with intelligent life. Depicted as a hydrogen atom or cell this is most likely used as a greeting sign from other intelligent lifeforms in the universe. SETI scans the hydrogen line radio frequency of 1420mhz, which is the same frequency emitted by accelerated hydrogen atoms (the most common element in the Universe) and is therefore thought to be a frequency on which intelligent beings might use as a “Hello” signal. Interestingly the famous “Wow!” signal was hypothesised to be of alien origin because it was at this frequency at high intensity. The Pioneer plaque, attached to the Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 spacecraft, portrays the hyperfine transition of neutral hydrogen and used the wavelength as a standard scale of measurement. For example, the height of the woman in the image is displayed as eight times 21 cm. The 21 cm hydrogen line is a favourable frequency used by the SETI program in their search for signals from potential extra-terrestrial civilizations. In 1959, Italian physicist Giuseppe Cocconi and American physicist Philip Morrison published “Searching for interstellar communications”, a paper proposing the 21 cm hydrogen line and the potential of microwaves in the search for interstellar communications.

Crop Circle Phenomena Emerges
Crop Circle Phenomena Emerges

Colin Andrews coins the term crop circles. Many of the first circles are only described by witnesses, commonly up to 5 circles.

The Mowing Devil
The Mowing Devil

The Mowing-Devil: or, Strange News out of Hartford-shire is the title of an English pamphlet published in 1678. The pamphlet describes a night following a dispute with a neighbour, a farmers field appeared to be in flame. The next morning, the field was found to be perfectly mowed, “that no mortal man was able to do the like”. This pamphlet, and the accompanying illustration, are often cited by crop circle researchers as among the first recorded cases of crop circles. The crop circle phenomena is also commonly associated with glowing light “orbs”, which in 1678 would have been described as “flame” as this was the primary source of light at the time and lends further credence to the crop circle association.